Civics Update for March 2-6

  • The end of the grading period is Tuesday.  Be sure you have all assignments turned in by the end of the day on Wednesday as grades must be submitted by Thursday morning.  There are several students with missing work and they are on the track of not passing the class, therefore not graduating.  
  • The last Current Events assignment is due on Monday.  This is for the first half of the alphabet.  Grading Period 4, CE#3.
  • There will be a reading quiz on Wednesday.  Read the pages assigned and prepare using the prompts located below.
  • New Preamble paper
  • Current Events for the first half of the alphabet.  This is Grading Period 4, CE#3.
  • Finish presentations from last week.
  • Finish notes from last Friday.
  • Bill of Rights Hand Game.
  • Read pages 333-339 for Tuesday.

  • Preamble
  • "Super Tuesday"
  • Introduction to Freedom of Religion.
  • 8.2 Notes on Freedom of Religion
  • Read pages 340 to 346 for Wednesday's reading quiz.  Prompts for the quiz are located on Wednesday.

  • Preamble
  • Reading Quiz on pages 340-346.  Here are the possible prompts:
    • Differentiate libel and slan
    • What is symbolic speech?
    • What was the decision of the Court in Texas v. Johnson?
    • What is prior restraint?
  • 8.3A notes on Freedom of Speech
  • Read pages 346-349 for Thursday

  • Preamble
  • Current Events schedule for the 5th grading period distributed.
  • 8.3B notes on Freedom of the Press/Media.
  • Review freedoms.

  • Preamble - turn in
  • Crash Course on Freedom of the Press
  • Scenarios on freedom of religion and speech with discussion
