Civics Update for February 3-7

We are not in the second month of the year and that much closer to the end of the school year.  You need to make sure you are completing and turning in the assignments. 

Here is the agenda for the week:


  • New Preamble paper
  • Current events for the first half of the alphabet.  Grading period 4, CE#
  • Survey of presentations online and a link will be provided.  Use your notes on the presentations to rate each agency or department to keep the budget the same, increase, or decrease.  The projects may not be graded until later in the week.
  • Lesson on primary elections and caucuses since the Iowa caucuses are Monday.


  • Preamble
  • Review of Iowa caucuses
  • Make sure you have all the materials needed for the Topic 6 Open Packet test on Wednesday.
  • Plickers quia


  • Preamble
  • Open Packet test for Topic 6
  • Topic 7 vocabulary (due Friday)
  • Read pages 298 to 305 for Thursday


  • Preamble
  • Introduction to the Judiciary
  • 7.1 Notes on the National Judiciary
  • Read pages 305 to 312 for Friday


  • Preamble (turn in)
  • Review the structure of the federal court system and compare it to the state court system.
  • 7.2 Notes on the Supreme Court
