Civics Update for December 2-6

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving Break.  We are going to continue studies of the three branches of government through the next few months.

The new Current Events schedule was distributed prior to Thanksgiving Break.  The first half of the alphabet will have Current Events due on Monday.  This Current Events will be Grading Period 3, CE#1.

Here is the agenda for the week:


  • New Preamble paper
  • Current Events for the first half of the alphabet - Grading Period 3, CE#1
  • Read pages 170-181 for Monday and Tuesday
  • 4-5A (Congress at Work) Notes for Monday


  • Preamble
  • Vocabulary Quiz (20 terms from Topics 1 through 4)  Practice using Quizlet.
  • 4-5B (Congress at Work)
  • Read pages 182-194 for Wednesday


  • Preamble
  • 4-6A Notes (Committees at Work)


  • Preamble
  • 4-6B Notes (Committees at Work)


  • Preamble and turn in
  • PIPS Quiz (again practice using Quizlet)
  • Open Packet Test for Sections 4-5 and 4-6
