Civics Update for March 18-22

Here is the Civics Update for the week of March 18-22.  As a school, we had a lot to celebrate in the past week or so.  Now that we are getting back on regular schedule this week, we will follow our regular procedures.  We will be finishing chapter 11 this week.

Here is the agenda for the week:


  • Preamble
  • Current Events.  The second half of the alphabet will be turning in Current Events on Monday.  This is Grading Period 5, CE#3.
  • Students will be making up PIPs/Citizenship test from Friday (if needed)
  • Students will work in groups to write the script for Mock Court cases.  Each student will need to log into OneDrive file on the class iPads shared a couple weeks ago.
  • Read Immigration handout for Wednesday.
  • Read pages 334 to 340 for Tuesday.


  • Preamble
  • EQ Notes 11-4:  What has America tried to achieve equality?
  • Read immigration handout for Wednesday


  • Preamble
  • Immigration policy discussion
  • Read pages 342 to 347 for Thursday


  • Preamble
  • EQ Notes 11-5:  What roles do immigration and citizenship play in American society?
  • Prepare chapter packet for Essential Question Quiz.


  • Preamble (turn in)
  • Essential Question Quiz (You will be able to use your notes to complete this)
  • Vocabulary quiz (use Quizlet to study)
Monday - Chapter Packet test.  You will be able to use your chapter packet to complete this assignment.  Very similar to the last chapter.  
