Civics Update for February 11-15

The first half of the alphabet will turn in Current Events on Monday.  It is grading period 4, CE#3.  There will be a new Current Events schedule distributed this week for the new grading period starting next week.

Bring your textbook each day this week.

Here is the agenda for the week:


  • PreambleCurrent Events
  • Read pages 296 to 300 for Monday
  • Check for Chapter 10 Vocabulary completion for a grade
  • Crash Course Government video on Search and Seizure
  • EQ 10-5 Notes on Second, Third, and Fourth Amendments
  • Read pages 300 to 302 for Tuesday


  • Preamble
  • Review Second, Third, and Fourth Amendments
  • EQ Notes 10-6:  Due Process and the government
  • Read pages 303 to 306


  • Preamble
  • Ms. Giles will be here about Community Service


  • Preamble
  • Continue - Ms. Giles from Wednesday


  • Preamble - Turn in
  • EQ 10-7 Notes:  Civil and Criminal Law
  • Read pages 306 to 309 for Monday

There will be open book/open notes test for this chapter.  More details next week.
