Civics Update for January 28 to February 1

  • Current Events (Grading Period 4, CE#2) is due on Monday for the first half of the alphabet.
  • Wednesday and Thursday look to be very cold and could be our first ICE Packet day(s).  Be sure your ICE Packet and book are at home for you to work on if there is an ICE Pack day.
  • We will continue with the Civil Liberties chapter this week with much emphasis on First Amendment freedoms.

Here is the agenda for the week:

  • Current Events
  • New Preamble paper
  • Review of the Bill of Rights
  • EQ Notes 10-2:  How does the Fourteenth Amendment impact the Bill of Rights?

  • Magistrate Bolton will be in class on Tuesday to talk about Civil Liberties, particularly the Third through Eighth Amendments.  
  • Read pages 285 to 288 for Wednesday.
  • Preamble
  • First Amendment Freedoms
  • EQ Notes 10-3:  How does the First Amendment guarantee religious freedoms?
  • Read pages 289 to 294 for Thursday.  There will be a reading quiz on Thursday.

  • Preamble
  • Reading Quiz on pages 289 to 294
  • EQ Notes 10-4:   Freedoms of the press, speech, assembly, and petition
  • Preamble (turn in)
  • Look up Supreme Court case decisions online
