Civics Update for January 3 to 11

Happy New Year!  Almost everyone in the Civics classes is on their way to graduate in May.  Don't shut down before then!

If you signed up for the Social Studies fair, you need to submit a draft of the abstract by Friday, January 4 to earn extra credit.  The Social Studies fair is slated for January 30.

Here is the agenda for a week and a half:

Thursday, January 3:

  • New Current Events schedule will be distributed.  The second half of the alphabet will be first.  
  • We will be doing personal finance activity.

Friday, January 4:

  • Continue personal finance activity
  • Chapter 8 Vocabulary distributed.  This will be due on Tuesday.
  • Crash Course video on basics of the legal system.
  • Read pages 220-222 for Monday.

Monday, January 7:

  • Current Events.  The second half of the alphabet will need to present their Current Events article to the rest of the class.
  • New Preamble
  • Chapter 8 Study Guide distributed
  • Preview page 219
  • What do you know about the American court system?
  • EQ Notes 8-1:  The structure of the American court system?

Tuesday, January 8:

  • Preamble
  • Chapter 8 Vocabulary will be due and it must be completed for a grade.
  • Review the federal court system with an outline
  • Video on the structure of the courts
  • Read pages 223 to 226 for Wednesday

Wednesday, January 9:

  • Preamble
  • EQ Notes 8-2: How are judges appointed and what are their roles?
  • Read page 226 on Judicial Activism or Judicial Restraint
  • Read pages 227 to 232 for Thursday (there will be a reading quiz on Thursday) 

Thursday, January 10:

  • Preamble
  • Reading QUiz on pages 227 to 232.  There will be one question given to answer pertaining to these pages.  Be prepared!
  • EQ Notes 8-3:  How are the lower courts structured?

Friday, January 11:

  • Turn in Preambles
  • Activity on judicial activism and judicial restraint
  • The first half of the alphabet will turn in Current Events on Monday.  
