Civics Update for week of September 24-26

There will be a Voter Registration Drive during lunches on Tuesday, September 25, in front of the cafeteria.  If you are eligible to vote in November, you can check your status and even register to vote.

The first six weeks grading period ends on Wednesday.  If you are missing any assignments from the first six weeks, you need to get organized and turn everything in by Thursday morning as grades have to be turned in on Friday morning.  Do not delay!

The first half of the alphabet will be turning Current Events on Monday.  This will be Grading pEriod 1, CE#3.

We will be looking more in-depth at the Constitution this week.  Here is the agenda for the week:

  • ·       New Preamble paper
  •      Turn in Current Events Grading period 1, Current Events 3 (first half)
  •      3-1 A Blueprint for Government
  •      Go through the Preamble on p.R18, and look at the goals in the constitution in the box
  •        Principles of Constitution

  • ·       3-1 Separation of Powers
  •      Checks and Balances (there is a fill in the grid file on Dropbox)
  •      Judicial Review - Marbury v. Madison p. 75
  •      Federalism 


  • Continue 3-2 Amendments; process


  • 3-3 Applying the Constitution


  • Continue 3-3 Applying the Constitution
  • Turn in Preambles
