Civics Update for the week of September 17-21

Monday is Constitution Day!

Missing assignment lists were distributed in class on Friday.  You need to make sure you turn in these assignments.  You are losing credit for each day they are late.  If you need to make up a quiz, you need to make it up during AA.

All students should have received an email about a link to "Civics (Period) 2018-19" OneNote notebook.  Mr. Zukowski was setting them up for a later time.  You are welcome to open that link, but we won't do anything with it for a while.

Every year, there is a Constitution Day lecture held at the Mother's Day Shrine.  This year it will be held on Tuesday, September 18 at 6:30 p.m.

The featured speaker is WVU Law Professor Anne Lofaso.  I would encourage students to attend this event.  This will last for about half an hour.   Extra credit will be offered if you are in attendance.

The second half of the alphabet will be turning in Current Events on Monday.  It will be Grading Period 1, Current Events #2.

Here is the agenda for the week:


  • Read Chapter 2, Section 4 about the Constitutional Convention.  
  • Many conversations during the convention revolved around equal representation and two plans, New Jersey and Virginia, dominated, but a compromise was reached.


  • Read Chapter 2, Section 5 about the ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  
  • There were two groups fighting for and against the proposed Constitution, the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.


  • Read pages 62 and 63.
  • We will take a closer look at the need to have a Bill of Rights. 


  • Chapter 2 review activity.

Friday:  (2-hour early dismissal)

  • Turn in Preambles.
  • Test/Chapter 2 assessment

A note from Mr. Mahon:
 If you are a parent or student interested in learning more about service academies, please read on.  I have attached some information regarding area events designed to teach you about the process of becoming appointed to a service academy such as:
U.S. Air Force Academy
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
U.S. Military Academy (A.K.A. West Point)
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
U.S. Naval Academy
     Getting appointed to one of these prestigious academies requires a nomination from a member of U.S. Congress as part of the process.  Grafton High is proud to be the school of past appointees, so please don’t ever think that this is out of reach.  If interested, open the attachment to this message and make plans to attend one of the Academy Days.  If you need more information, please see your counselor.
T. Mahon
