Civics Update for week of February 12 through 16

***Current events for the first half of the alphabet is due on Monday.  It is "Grading Period 4, Current Events #3."
***The end of the grading period is Friday.  All late work must be turned in by Monday, February 19.
*** If you want to check to see if you are registered to vote, click this link.
***There will be another opportunity for extra credit.  There will be a viewing of "Heroin(e)" at Buffalo Flats on Friday, February 16 at 6:30 p.m. See documents on email and Edmodo.

Here is the schedule for this week:


  • Chapter 10 vocabulary will be checked for completion.
  • Read pages 280-283 for Monday.
  • Sways will be checked for the last time in class today.  If you need your Sway graded you will need to come before class, during AA, or after school.
  • Complete Civil Liberties pre-test (all classes except first period).
  • Crash Course video on Civil Liberties.
  • EQ Notes 10-1.
  • Read pages 283-284 for Tuesday.

  • Review concept of Civil Liberties and Civil Rights.
  • Discussion on limits on freedoms.
  • Read the text of Fourteenth Amendment.
  • EQ Notes 10-2
  • Read pages 285 to 288 for Wednesday
  • Vocabulary quiz for chapters 8 and 10.
  • Video on Due Process.
  • Introduction to Freedom of Religion
  • EQ Notes 10-3
  • Read pages 289 to 294 for Thursday

  • Current Events information handed out for next grading period
  • Freedom of Religion Crash Course Video
  • What is freedom of speech?
  • EQ notes 10-4

  • Turn in Total Recall Questions
  • Voter Registration
  • Discuss Heroin(e)
  • Examples of Tax Return documents.
