Civics Update for the week of October 9-13

This is a reminder that Chapter 4 vocabulary will be checked at the beginning of each period on Monday.  It MUST be completed before the beginning of class.  You will not get credit if it is not finished by the tardy bell.

Also, the second half of the alphabet is to turn in Current Events on Monday at the beginning of class.

This week, we will continue with federalism where the state/local governments share powers nad responsibilities with the national government.


  • Turn in Total Recall paper from last week.  
  • PIPS Quiz.  This will be a multiple choice quiz of 20 figures in public service.  Go to the Quizlet site to practice prior to the quiz.  
  • We will look at how  Federalism exists in Taylor County.
  • We will review basic ideas of federalism, express and implied powers, and reserved powers, where the powers of the national government are located.
  • Also, Mr. Zukowski will be passing out "Student Release" forms to get permission from students and parents to video record some lessons in the classroom during the school year.  Mr. Zukowski is working towards certification for National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.    Here is more information about the certification process. The videos will be submitted on a secure website and will not be released to the public in anyway.   If you have any questions about video recording in the classroom, ask Mr. Zukowski.  Please return these form by the end of the week.  
Tuesday and Wednesday:
  • We will have presenters here from BB&T on Tuesday and Wednesday.  They will be here a couple of days a week for the next three weeks.  They will present information about personal finance, banking, loans, mortgages, and taxes.  This material will be very relevant to all Seniors at it will be important for you to understand if you are currently working and as you leave school to go to college or the workforce.
  • Read pages 100 to 102 for Thursday.

  • EQ 4-2 Notes:  We will look at specific responsibilities and powers of the national and state governments.  
  • We will complete a Double-Bubble map to show the powers of the national government, state government, and what powers both governments have in common.
  • There will be a reading quiz on Friday.   Please read pages 103-100 prior to class.  These are the possible questions:  
    • What were the two crucial questiosn in McCullough v. Maryland?
    • Why did Congress pass the Interstate Commerce Act in 1887?
    • What was the purpose of the New Deal programs?
    • What did the national government do to spur states into action against hunger, discrimination, unemnployment, and pollution?

  • Be sure to turn in the Student Release form.
  • Turn in Total Recall Questions
  • Reading Quiz based on one of the questions listed above.  
  • EQ 4-3 Notes:  We will look at how federalism has evolved over the years.

Next week:  The first half of the alphabet will be turning in Current Events (Grading Period 2, CE #2) on Monday.

*Most materials covered in class are located on OneDrive.  If you are absent, you will need to access it to make up lesson content.

*The study guide for chapter 4 is posted on Quizlet.  Please practice long before the test.  
