Civics update for the week of September 11-15

As we start this week with another hurricane, we will look at another event at the beginning from 16 years ago that made a climatic change in America and the entire world.  9/11 entered us into a new age that the generation now in school never know any different.  We will look at different things the government had done on that fateful day and the days after.

Here is the schedule for the week:

Monday: Second half of the alphabet will turn in Current Events as well as  9/11 discussion.  Read pages 47-50 for homework.

Tuesday:  We will continue discussion of the Articles of Confederation with EQ Notes 2-3.  Read pages 51-55 for homework.

Wednesday:  We will start a discussion of the Convention to revise the Articles of Confederation.  We will instead have an entirely new Constitution in 1787.  (EQ Notes 2-4)

Thursday:  We will look at the compromises made at the Constitutional Convention.  Read pages 57-60 for Friday. 

Friday:  We are going to look at the role of factional groups that want to ratify the Constitution.  We will also go over the answers of the first half of the study guide. 
